Dr. Kristine is a licensed naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist in the state of Hawaii. 

 Aloha my name is Dr Kristine Williams.  I too live with a chronic illness.  After naturopathic medical school I started experiencing pain in the upper right quadrant of my abdomen.  It would wash over me like a tsunami, one minute I would be ok and the next I would be in excruciating stabbing pain, doubled over and green in the face, unable to take a deep breath.  I would be unable to go to work or participate in my life the way I wanted to.  My work, studies, and relationships suffered during this time with seemingly no end in sight.

After many emergency room visits and doctors appointments, no one could tell me what was going on with me.  After blood tests, imaging and exams the doctors I went to for guidance and treatment were unable to help me.  After describing the pain in detail again and again I was no closer to any answers.  I didn’t even know what was going on with me at that time.  

After this kept happening again and again I noticed a pattern that no one had bothered to ask.  Every time I had this pain I had my period.  Once I realized that I most likely had endometriosis I started asking these doctors if it could be that.  Every single one said that diagnosis was impossible.  The lack of education even in medical doctors surrounding endometriosis in 2015 was so far behind.  It still is but I do believe it has gotten better since then due to increased awareness and the fact that it is so widespread.  Endometriosis affects roughly 10% (190 million) of reproductive aged women and girls globally according to the World Health Organization.  

So now I had a working diagnosis.  But really this was only the beginning of my own healing journey.  Gynecologist after gynecologist wanted me to go on the pill.  That is all they could offer.  I asked about alternative treatments, they brushed me off.  I found specialists in New York City and Los Angeles who perform laparoscopic surgery to excise endometriosis, which was a painful, invasive and scary option that I did consider but so far, have not had to go down the route.  Neither the pill nor surgery is a cure, and do not guarantee to keep it from growing back.  

That is how I became a specialist in women’s health and hormones.  I started studying everything there was to know about endometriosis and about women’s hormonal cycles.  I studied everything that could go wrong with them as well, from hormone imbalances to PCOS, amenorrhea, PMS, PMDD, menorrhagia, fibroids, cysts, infertility, endometriosis and so much more.  I went to practitioners who treated me with homeopathy, acupuncture, herbs, nutrition, Arvigo, massage, yoni steaming.  Gentle yet effective practices that make a huge difference in my daily life living with endometriosis.  I no longer have to miss work.  Having a chronic illness is at times painful and maybe the biggest lesson was learning how to be wildly compassionate to myself, as well as to others.  

Now I feel a deep desire to prevent the pain, frustration, and medical gaslighting that I had to endure.  I want women to know there is another way.  You don’t have to suffer in silence, you have options that many of us don’t know are available.  Women’s health has historically taken a backseat because of its perceived complexity in the medical field.  My goal is for women’s health to have the attention it deserves.  I want women to be listened to and I want them to thrive. 

Book an appointment with me and I promise to listen and to help.